Importance Of A Good Car
8:55 PM
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Business has become the order of the day and there are all sorts of businesses. Irrespective of the type of business that you run, you definitely need some assets that will facilitate a smooth running of the business. A good vehicle is part of the very basic essentials in any business. In as much as most people assume that only those...

5 Reason To Go See The Avengers
7:32 PM
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Ok. There are a whole lot of comic books films out the last few years. And now they’re rebooting Spiderman. (Really?) So with all these films out it can be hard to want to see any of them unless you’re a hardcore comic book fan. I’ve seen most of them and many of them were ok. Not blow me away fantastic (except maybe the...

5 Movies Based On Video Games That Don't Totally Suck
1:01 AM
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As a rule they're terrible – movies based on videogames. It seems that success in console form doesn't easily translate to box office winner once you coerce a director to take the reins and throw a few actors at it. Although some would argue they're no exceptions to this rule, I differ. Here are five titles that aren't so bad...