OPM Pioneers of Reggae
2:56 AM
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In his teen years , Popong Landero sang his own songs, co-founded a music group named Masang Himig, quit schooling and earned his basic survival means through his musical talent. A singer with a mind of his own, he would insist on using his left hand to write, to hold an axe, and to play his guitar,in spite of his father's...

Simple Ways to Make Money Fast
12:14 PM
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Acquiring money rapidly can be attaining through hard work and devotion. If you are belong to a person who works hard and never waste time relaxing, sleeping, watching movies and more; the money will be always at your hand. You must know also how to think on how to budget and how to do with the money properly so that it will never be disappear...

Registry Tweaks and Tricks
6:10 AM
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Hacking Windows XP Registry
Structure of Windows XP Registry :
When you will open the Windows XP Registry , you will see it's divided into two panes.
On the left side there are 5 main keys
These can be expanded to several Sub-Keys, which further has many Sub-Keys.

CINEMALAYA: Ano’ng Kwento Mo?
4:42 AM
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1. Filipino filmmakers must produce films in their own language.
First and foremost, Filipino filmmakers must create films that will surely serve as cultural artifacts of our nation. They must primarily target the local market before they aim the larger ones. They must communicate with their likes first so that soon others will understand what they are trying to say. They must have passion in their work and must not work for...